Born or Received? Funny Right? So, guys, look, this is funny. Those who know her, kindly don't go looking at her with bad eyes. So, it is apparent that mum didn't need the help of anyone to deliver me. Hilarious right? very. Apparently, and these is what she told me herself, being the second last born of the 8 children she had given rise to, of whom 7 survived, she didn't need the help of a hospital or midwife to deliver me. Having done this 8 times, see the shock on your eyes, you who told me that you can't do it more than twice. She had gathered a lot of experience. That experience they normally ask you at every interview you go to. So, on that night, the family was around the table having super, all of them except dad who was at work for a night shift, mum felt the urge, I don't know what to call it, but I hear they call it contractions, so she stood up, as nothing is happening to her, went to the bedroom, took a Leso and took her best position on it. The nex...
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