Hi dad and mum,
It’s your son Raymond Mwanga Wamuyu.
I hope this finds you well. I am doing well. I hope you are fine? How is the farm doing? Are Riziki and Kadogo doing well? Have they given rise to other calves? How is there milk nowadays? Thick as it was? Or everything worsened for everything? I hope you heard my recent success? I was nominated for the best actor’s award that took place in Durban, South Africa. I had the best experience in the competitions; I hope you pray that I bring the prestigious award home! This is just a platform to market myself further and help me build my brand. All these things and success have always followed me due to your continued support; your advice has always built me and moulded me. It is through your sweat and determination that made the family as strong as it is even now.
I know you’re not yet out of life full of poverty and suffering. My brothers and I are planning on how to buy land and build you a good house. It’s through mummy’s strictness that made us straight and knew the correct ways of life. I’m always glad to mention that I belong to the great Wamuyu family; my family is not great by chance but by the determination you two had and the prayerful life you chose to live. The spirit you instilled in us and the morals you inculcated into our lives.
Dad, I have always lived to see your prayers answered your blessings made real and your desires fulfilled; your unhealthy condition is due to your continued suffering. You did heavy jobs only to spoon-feed your kindles. Has mummy stopped complaining of backache, pain in her joints and her legs? Has she settled her mind and stopped spending sleepless nights thinking of what the children are going to eat the next day? Has she stopped thinking of how to settle the debts she had at the Kiosk? Dad, have you stopped thinking that much on how to pay school fees? How to dress your children? When was the last time you slept on a mattress? Tell me dad, tell me! Have you stopped being rained on as you sleep in the deep night? Have the large chunks of termite soil from the grass thatched roof stopped falling on your bedding as you sleep? Have they stopped laughing at you? Calling you all sorts of names, and mimicking you whenever you speak?
Have you two stopped walking bare foot in the sun and carrying charcoal to the streets to earn a living? I’m so sorry for having reminded you these things; I just felt I had to. It’s very important in my life; it reminds me of where I came from and where I’m headed to. I’m always aware of one thing, that you are too young to start living like the aged; however, it’s due to continued suffering and hard work that makes you that weak.
My eyes are filled with tears, every time I recall all you went through to bring us up, all the way from carrying heavy loads of charcoal to the market, spending hours and hours on people’s farms in exchange of food. You were selfless, you didn’t buy any good clothes for yourselves, you didn’t live life like dignified persons, just because you knew what the future of your family needed.
How I wish that the Lord you pray, the one you’ve always trusted in, the one you’ve, always bowed down to can never forsake you, that, He fulfills that which he planned for your children so that you can eat the fruits of your labor. Even if you died right now without seeing any, I am pretty sure that, whenever you will be, you’ll rest in peace and that your hearts will pump with joy and smiles.
I remember vividly, Dad telling me, “work hard my son, so that you can embarrass those who looked down on these family, that they may say that, that weak man produced a strong army,” I am living to be an inspiration to others. I always have prayed that God uses me as a vessel and that He gives me a testimony to believe. I living testimony to inspire and create Wamuyus.
I know my flesh is wicked, it’s just like any other flesh, wicked, it’s just full of desires, which have sometimes led me astray. They’ve sometimes made me do things that have defined my death. I am not saying these to make either of you sad. If you die right now, yours won’t be a funeral but a celebration for a successful life well lived, however, if I died now, mine would be a funeral of miserable life once lived. Mark the difference. I know that God has favor with me and will protect me against all these, however ‘Msiba wa kujitakia hauna kilio.’ My back problem is a problem that hits back on my deeds, I don’t surely mean that I know the cause but sometimes the heart offends itself. I will live the rest of the life with a lot of care.
I love you so much parents. I love all my family members. I have none like you. Say hi to all that know me.
Raymond Mwanga Wamuyu
This is completely a piece of art extracted from the book the naked Truth authored by Ken Kayange.
To read the full book you can go back to Home on this website and Click on the Title of the book - The Naked Truth and read for free.
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